Justice League of America #235


DC ⋅ 1985

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Issue Details




Chuck Patton


Gerry Conway

Cover Artist

Chuck Patton


Mike Machlan


Dick Giordano

Cover Artist

Dick Giordano


Gene D'Angelo


John Costanza


February 1985


REBIRTH PART 3 - HEAVY METAL Aquaman is distraught over Vixen's break-in to speak with the prisoner, fearing repercussions and public reaction to harboring a law-breaker, and uses his mental powers on Steel to quash all argument about it. When Hank staggers from the bunker, he meets Fastball, a member of the Cadre, who throws explosive balls at high speeds. Steel overcomes him as the others arrive, but when they check under the rubble, the villain is nowhere to be found. The only clue left behind is a medallion. Meanwhile, Vixen has traveled to New York to confront General Maksai at the M'Changan Embassy, thus playing right into his hands, as her uncle wants the Tantu Totem, the source of her powers, for himself. The odds are against her, and she flees, but the Justice League arrives before Maksai's men can hurt her. When the police appear on the scene, the General refuses to press charges, but the police still wish to take her in for the well-publicized jail break-in. Aquaman, however, refuses to turn her over. In the resulting debate, Steel reveals his origin. After his father's death in Viet Nam, and his mother's death a year later from cancer, his grandfather took him in, and he was raised by Dale Gunn. Several years ago, the elder Heywood sent Gunn off to build the bunker, perhaps to occupy him, while he somehow forced extensive surgery on his grandson, which duplicated that which he had endured during World War II to become the original Commander Steel. Suddenly, the Justice League transport plane is teleported to a mountain in the Arctic, where the team encounters the Overmaster and the Cadre.

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